Hello, my name is Larissa. I’m 14 years old. I´m from Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia.

I have been inside my house for the last four weeks; radio and news keep saying that we shouldn’t go out during the daylight.

It seems those things, those monsters, only attack during the day; so we close and cover every window. It feels strange not to see or feel the sunlight in this time of the year; my mother says that we will be alright, but it’s difficult to believe her.

My father goes out almost every night, I told mom that I don’t like that and I feel insecure. But they say it’s because he need to protect us.

There is not that much food to survive all the summer; it’s says in winter those things won’t appear anymore. I don’t believe them; I want to cry. Because, if we almost don’t have food now; what will happen in winter? Do you know? In Yakutsk on winter, the temperature can be less than -40 degrees.

 How are we going to survive?

In movies, some important country should find the solution and save us all. Does that happen in the real life?

I feel like… this is the end of the world.


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